Sunday, May 28, 2006

Quotes From Times I Do Not Remember

It's said that dogs can't look up. And, somewhere it's said
around 16 million earths could fit inside the sun. Marbles
have crags deeper than the Mariana's Trench. While
Thelma Pickles cries
for her long departed love: John Lennon. Those trivial moments
that will never leave our minds. They are just wrinkles,
in a brain that is made of fats. A fish

at the bottom of the sea
will change its sex two weeks before it dies. By twenty-fifteen
the average life span will be one hundred. Gregorian months
are not as accurate as the Aztec's
calender. It's the only way
you have too keep track of when you have loved
whomever. As the University of New Mexico measures
sexual ornaments growing rapidly out of proportion. Scientist
James Brown stares down peacock cock. Too see
if it has the goods to wave those females over. Everyone inches
towards their next orgasm. It's said
absence makes the heart grow fonder, but don't ever
marry the first girl you lay. Pigs
are some of the cleanest animals. The human mouth
is filthier than piss. So don't kiss. Piss
on each other. One day we will live forever.


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